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Job Offers

Job Status Details2016-02-15

R & D Engineer
(Equipment R & D Engineer / Mechanical Development Engineer / Structural Engineer / Tooling Engineer / Project Engineer)
1, with hardware mechanical development experience should be preferred, and fresh graduates are also welcome;   
2, college degree or above; machinery, materials and other related professionals; familiar with mechanical drawing software;
3, responsible for the R&D of equipment, processing technology, structural components, mold and other mechanical, electronic control technology related work;
Recruitment number: 5 

Software Development Engineer
1, full-time bachelor computer education;
2, know the basic theoretical knowledge of database, familiar with at least one common database system such as Oracle, SqlServer, MySql, proficiency in SQL statements;
3, master at least one kind of software development tool (C #, JAVA), proficient PHP, Python, JSP and other development language is preferred;
4, responsible for software development of enterprise information;
5, rigorous work with high responsibility and strong logical thinking, good teamwork awareness and learning capacity, willing to engage in software development career;
Recruitment number: 1

Domestic and overseas salesman
1, with hardware mechanical development experience should be preferred, and fresh graduates are also welcome; 
2, college degree or above; machinery, English, international business and other related professionals; proficiency in English speaking and writing;
3, willing to work abroad;
Recruitment number: 3

General Manager Secretary
1, more than 3 years’ experience in secretary works;
2, bachelor degree in secretary or Chinese professional; 

3, responsible for the connection between serial departments and general manager, making schedule for general manager;

Recruitment number: 1